Natalie Blackwood

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Stitch Along: My Stitched Rainbow Day 17: Roumanian Stitch

Roumanian stitch

Start at day 0

Running Stitch

Roumanian stitch.

This stitch is interesting. I'd never heard of it before but I really like it. 

The instructions I'm following state.

'Bring the thread through at the top left of the shape, carry the thread across and take a stitch on the right side of the shape with the thread below the needle. Take a stitch at left side, thread above needle. These two movements are worked until the shape is filled. Keep the stitches close together. The size of the centre crossing stitch can be varied to make a longer oblique stitch or a small straight stitch.'

Try it out. Works in shape or column-like what I was stitching.

Here is a good article on how to do Roumanian stitch

Here is an interesting article with a bit more history around the stitch

Roumanian stitch

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